
Mass effect tali face reveal
Mass effect tali face reveal

mass effect tali face reveal

That's been fixed in the Legendary Edition of Mass Effect, however, as now Elanos appears as a Turian in the game, which makes a lot more sense.

mass effect tali face reveal

Doesn't sound very human-like, eh? That's because Elanos' status as a human was a bug in the original game. As Eurogamer's report notes, Elanos hates humans, he wants to attack a human colony, and other Terminus races rally behind him as their leader. Eurogamer, which originally reported on this change, pointed out how weird it was that Elanos was human in the original release of the game. Redditor Silent_Shadow05 said they "appreciate these small details" and that they believe "BioWare really went above and beyond for this remaster." Elanos Haliat Is a Turian in Mass Effect NowIn the original release of Mass Effect, space pirate Elanos Haliat was a human and that didn't really make much sense. It's a small change, but a welcome one as indicated by some of the replies to Kunven's post on the Mass Effect subreddit. The photo above is what Pluto looks like in the Legendary Edition of Mass Effect 2 and it comes by way of Redditor Kunven. What's interesting about scanning the planet in Mass Effect 2 now is that in the Legendary Edition of the game, Pluto's texture has been updated to match the most recent picture of Pluto from 2015.

mass effect tali face reveal mass effect tali face reveal

Is it a planet? Is it not a planet? Mass Effect 2 doesn't care because regardless of its status in our solar system, it's something in space that can be scanned. Redditor Superspicycurr圓7 said "this is the ONE thing I wanted them to change if they were going to change nothing else," and that they're "glad it was this." Redditor Max_Crultak26, however, said "in my head-canon, some quarians are purple or pale red with lines, and others like Tali are purple with freckles (and tree-like lines) but still, the image is cool." New Pluto Textures in Mass Effect 2Pluto is a hotly-debated topic in the world of science. You can check out Tali's new look below, courtesy of MaxGoods on Reddit. It's safe to say BioWare took that criticism to heart because in the Legendary Edition of Mass Effect 3, Tali's face is now seemingly an original piece of art and not a photoshop of a pageant winner. YES NOSure, BioWare did add some alien features to Kohistani's face in the photo, but at the end of the day, it was still just a photo of a human.

Mass effect tali face reveal